We have been using Electric Dust for 2 years now on one of our cocktails and guess what it is the most selling item on our menu. The product is amazing, it tastes good, beautiful vibrant color and very easy to use. We highly recommend it.
Love this stuff. So fun and is a great enhancement to cocktails
We tried this at a hotel in Green Bay and ordered it right from the bar. Love this stuff, simply amazing!
I saw this product in a magazine and thought it would be like a pixie stick or something like it. but the dust itself has no flavor. instead, it really does ignite your tastebuds in a way I have never imagined and the drink i was using it with just exploded with flavor after. can't wait for my next batch!
We use this product in a commercial setting. We are very happy with the results. Electricdust helps us create interesting cocktails with a visual effect that sells itself!